Friday, March 21, 2008

Signed with responsibility

In all the tasks we do in our day we can always find ways to improve the way we do things. It all boils down to defining a process, maintaining the process and keep improving the process for each and every task we do to reach near to idea goal .

There are certain things when I see them I can just say this must be done by a certain person. The way how it was executed many a times shows the person who has done this. There is a sign of the person who did the thing attached with all the things. Whether we do this by our own or not there remains some mark of the doer.

If we understand and take the ownership of leaving that sign we can improve the way it is done. Any thing which comes to my desk shall be done in a certain way and shall leave my desk with my mark on it. Mark of being done with a specified standard.

(Image courtesy Luca Zappa)

This is like applying a checkpost for all the things coming to me and getting delivered by me. If I am delivering something with my name and seal, then it must be of a particular standard. It must not be below that standard ever.

(Image courtesy Curt)

The process is to have a standard first which we can apply on things. Then the next step is improving and raising that standard by constant analysis. The improvement in the standard can be done by acting on the received feedback on the earlier delivered things.

So anything which goes through my review will have a hidden sign "Reviewed by Tushar Joshi" and any thing which is delivered by me will have sign "Made by Tushar Joshi" and others start noticing the quality and standard way of the deliverables automatically.

with regards

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